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Science Curriculum

Intent, Implementation, and Impact
Science Curriculum Statement

Our curriculum is joined and sequenced properly to ensure that our children avoid gaps in their learning. A globally relevant curriculum helps to facilitate children with a strong world view.


At St. John’s RC Primary School, we want our children to be enthused scientists! We want pupils at St. John’s to recognise and understand the importance of science in our daily lives through a practical, hands-on approach involving experiments and investigations, giving our children opportunities to be curious and test out their theories.

We aspire for our children:

  • To develop their scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding
  • To be equipped with the scientific knowledge and skills required to understand the uses and implications of Science today and for the future
  • To develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about the world around them
  • To build upon the learning and skill development of the previous years



At St. John’s we follow Pearson Primary Science, an aspirational, fully joined and coherent programme that supports and nurtures our curious pupils. The programme we follow is designed to build the knowledge and skills needed to spark imagination, fuel curiosity, and nurture confident young scientists. Science lessons are taught weekly throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Children in Early Years are exposed to ‘Understanding the World’ through exploring the natural world.

The units of learning incorporate the working scientifically and knowledge objectives for each year group to explore.


Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 2

Spring Term 1

Spring Term 2

Summer Term 1

Summer Term 2

Year 1

Parts of Animals

Changing Seasons


Comparing Materials

Types of Animals

Identifying Materials

Year 2

Uses of Materials

Living Things

Growing Plants

Changing Shape


Feeding and Exercise

Year 3

Movement and Feeding

Light and Shadows

What Plants Need

Rocks and Soils

Parts of Plants

Magnets and Forces

Year 4


Dangers to Living Things

Human Nutrition


Grouping Living Things

Changes of State

Year 5

Life Cycles

Earth and Space

Separating Mixtures

Types of Change



Year 6

Light and Sight

Our Bodies

Classifying Living Things

Changing Circuits

Evolution and Inheritance

Review and Celebration


Intended Impact

At St. John’s, we celebrate success through our science curriculum when children will:

  • Have developed skills through science as a process of enquiry
  • Have developed enthusiasm for scientific learning and discovery
  • Have developed their understanding of nature and the world around them
  • Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the science for today and for the future