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English - Writing Curriculum

Intent, Implementation, and Impact 
English – Writing Curriculum Statement 

Our curriculum is joined and sequenced properly to ensure that our children avoid gaps in their learning. A globally relevant curriculum helps to facilitate children with a strong world view. 


At St. John’s RC Primary School, our intent is for children to: 

  • Write with confidence, fluency and understanding 

  • Be able to self-assess, edit, and develop ideas further. 

  • Have an interest in etymology (where words originate from) 

  • Develop a rich vocabulary 

  • Know, understand and be able to write in a range of genres in fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. 

  • Recognise and use features of specific text types 

During English lessons, children have opportunities to engage with high quality texts which contain varied and rich vocabulary to promote a love of writing. We inspire young writers by using a range of film clips and age-appropriate texts from Literacy Shed Plus to spark creativity and imagination. Lessons are sequenced so children write a range of text types suitable to their year group. Clear progression is carefully mapped out so that each year, skills are built upon, and children learn about new text types as they move from Year 1 up to Year 6. Children in Early Years are given opportunities to develop their writing skills through a purposeful and meaningful approach. This provides opportunities for children to embed real life opportunities for rehearsing their writing skills (for example, invitations, cards, party lists and registers).  

At St. John’s we offer regular independent writing opportunities which includes key skills and prior learning, enabling children to showcase their writing ability. Children will self-assess their own learning by editing their writing in purple polishing pens. We have built in opportunities for children to write across the curriculum.  

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar are taught as discreet lessons, but class teachers have the expectation that children continually apply these skills to their own writing. Spelling rules are taught weekly with the children learning and practising the rule 4 times a week in class. Children will learn the rule by exploring definitions, finding synonyms or antonyms, and using them within a sentence. Children learning words with the specific spelling rule, is part of their weekly home learning.  

Intended Impact 

At St. John’s, we will see success in English lessons, specifically writing, when: 

  • Pupils will enjoy writing across a range of genres 

  • Pupils will have a passion for writing  

  • Children of all abilities will be able to succeed  

  • Children will develop a rich vocabulary  

  • Children can use a range of techniques to spell unfamiliar words