A typical day in our Nursery
The children are welcomed in with a smile and helped to hang up their coats and change their shoes.
The children begin the day with time to play in the Nursery with an exciting range of activities. They then gather together for registration time where they will greet each other and count how many children are in that day.
Foundations for Phonics will follow throughout the children will be learning to pronounce all their letter sounds and play some phonics games.
The children then have time to play and chat and the Reception children will join them for exploring time where they love interacting with the older children taking part in all sorts of activities covering all the areas of our Early Years Curriculum -markmaking, role play, small group stories, artwork etc will be going on until we all have some fruit and milk then some stories and a play outside.
After eating packed lunch with Reception in the hall there is more time to play outside. The afternoon session begins with a story or some number songs.
This is followed by more exploring with Reception either inside or outside and then we finish the day with singing and stories and our end of day prayer.